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Learning and teaching
about traditional orchards
September 2019 – May 2022
Why develop a toolkit?
More than 80 percent of all traditional heritage orchards have disappeared across Europe within the past 60 years. In most regions lack of marketing activities and loss of expertise has severely threatened their viability.
The skills and knowledge associated with traditional orchards and local heritage varieties of fruit trees, including their rich biodiversity and cultural heritage, are still declining over the whole of Europe.
However orchard social enterprises are increasing over many parts of Europe as an approach to educating and involving low skilled local people in the development and management of orchards, as well as the processing and marketing of tree fruit products.
So education about the value, preservation and maintenance of these orchards and ways of processing and marketing their fruit are the focus of this project. It will address this need and opportunity to improve traditional and sustainable orchard skills and knowledge.​​

To develop, based on the exchange of good practices, innovative pedagogical material that will motivate and encourage rural, low-skilled adults to work together to set up, manage and use traditional orchards and their heritage fruit trees both as commercial and social enterprises.
Target Audience
Our target audience is all learners, educators and trainers of members and volunteers of land-managing community organisations and social enterprises, as well as farmers, smallholders, and fruit growers.
Exchange experiences of adult education about the natural, social and cultural heritage of local fruit tree varieties and traditional orchards between the partners. Identify best practices in education about the management and cultivation of fruit trees and orchards from each partner country.
Describe case studies of organisations that educate about traditional orchards.
Develop a learning and teaching guide about the traditional management and use of fruit trees and orchards.
Describe some examples of education programmes, events and courses provided by the partners.
Produce and list some videos about the traditional management and use of fruit trees and orchards.
Develop and promote a network of traditional orchardists and orchard organisations across Europe.
Promote results widely within partner countries to a network of contacts.

Press release
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